[FFmpeg-user] Does atadenoise work with 10bit HDR video?

Richard Bartczak richard.bartczak at gmx.de
Thu Jun 27 01:25:50 EEST 2024

Am 26.06.24 um 23:43 schrieb Oliver Fromme:
> Hi,
> I'm using ffmpeg for a long time, but I've just recently started to
> use it with 10bit HDR (HDR10) video.
> So far I found out how to re-encode HDR10 video with libx265 and
> retain the HDR metadata.  It's a bit complicated, but it seems to
> work fine.  However, I'm unsure about video filters.
> In particular, I often use the atadenoise filter.  It works really
> well for 8bit SDR video.  But can it be used with HDR10 video, too?
> Can I simply add ''-vf atadenoise`` to the command and it'll work,
> or will it clip the data down to 8bit?  Is there anything else that
> I need to take into account?
> Best regards,
> Oliver

I use this filter :

#*1.0 to 1.8 for 720p video and 1.0 to 4.0 for 1080p*
#for f in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -y -i "$f" -vcodec libx265 -crf 26 -preset
slow *-vf nlmeans="1.4:7:5:3:3"* -c:a copy "$(basename "$f" .mp4).mkv";done
#for f in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -y -i "$f" -vcodec libx265 -crf 21 -preset
slow *-vf nlmeans="2.5:7:5:3:3"* -c:a copy "$(basename "$f" .mp4).mkv";done

You can check the result via mediainfo :

sudo apt install mediainfo-gui


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