[FFmpeg-user] Drawtext and filter_complex_script no longer work (At least not on OSx)

Reino Wijnsma rwijnsma at xs4all.nl
Fri Jun 21 14:54:50 EEST 2024

On 2024-06-21T13:39:22+0200, Bouke / edit 'B <bouke at editb.nl> wrote:
> That was my idea as well, however, it is in the list published for compile options, and another (older, working) version of FFmpeg also does not show it, but it seems included anyways.

I don't see --enable-libharfbuzz <https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/commit/1eeb59a2099479eeead8cdc0d4586443fb301a8a> in your buildconf.


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