[FFmpeg-user] I found the bugs

Phil Rhodes phil_rhodes at rocketmail.com
Thu Jun 20 01:49:36 EEST 2024

On Wednesday 19 June 2024 at 21:58:51 BST, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News <news at macfh.co.uk> wrote:
Exactly!  I've seen Paul's type before, trolling someone who comessearching for help on a genuine problem and when asked for actual advicejust drops vague hints rather than saying anything definite that mightturn out to be open to being proved wrong.
Honestly, this list has been dominated by that kind of personality for at least a decade, probably more.
If I were to speculate I'd say that it's motivated by some sort of twisted insistence on high technical standards which has led to a hair-trigger response of intense anger toward anyone who doesn't meet whatever standards the guy has arbitrarily set, but really, I hesitate to engage in too much two-bit psychoanalysis. The guy is just a really, intensely foul individual. I can't imagine what he's like to work with.
We've tried being nice, we've tried being direct, we've tried conversations just like this. The ffmpeg-user mailing list has been dominated by this attitude, from Paul and a couple of others, for at least a decade. It's an attitude I associate very closely with open source software in general and it is hugely damaging, but it seems that so long as you're a software engineer, you can do what you like.

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