[FFmpeg-user] I found the bugs

MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News news at macfh.co.uk
Thu Jun 20 01:33:13 EEST 2024

On 19/06/2024 23:13, Bouke / Videotoolshed wrote:
> Well Charles, please introduce yourself, and explain why I never ever have heard from you before.
> (I’ll take your advise under…)

I've been following this list for a very long time, at least a decade I
think.  AFAICR, I have posted in the past, but not for a quite a while
as I've been busy with a huge project involving around 16,000 scans of
historical documents relating to my family's history and that of the
Chiefship, vacant for over a century, of Clan Macfarlane.

My main interest is that FFMPEG is used in GetIPlayer, and I've had
problems in the past obtaining clean edits.  An example:  Every year I
download the Scottish Hogmanay show, which involves some chat and live
acts in the studio, the audience counting down, the firing of Mons Meg
(except they don't actually fire it now) on the ramparts of Edinburgh
Castle, a piper there playing once through a tune, followed by a
firework display, then a return to the studio.  Hardly ever can I obtain
clean cuts and concatenations of just the bits I want to keep.

Also classical concerts need a lot of editing to get a listenable and
watchable result.

So I am interested in anything that can be done to improve FFMPEG's
editing of video.

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