[FFmpeg-user] I found the bugs

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 06:02:25 EEST 2024

The action at trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11055 is really interesting. It's already up to almost 50 
comments. I can barely keep up. I think something may come of this. Let's hope, eh?

It appears that a video having a physical order that's DTS-order is a bit of a surprise to my expert 
friends. That's good. The video was mastered by Criterion. Who the heck is going to argue with 
Criterion, eh? By the way, MPEG is silent on the physical order of packets/frames - I'm unsure 
whether 'pos' in the FFmpeg docs means 'position' == physical order?

It looks like my 55 hour transcode/remux may finish before midnight US-east time. I'll stay up and 
report the quality.

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