[FFmpeg-user] Big missmatch In format duration (ffmpeg V6)

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Mon Jul 22 13:56:22 EEST 2024

On 2024-02-11 10:56 pm, Avraham Sikirov via ffmpeg-user wrote:
> Hello Carl,
> Thanks for your response.
> This is the complete and unedited output from that exact command.
> There are 3 parts in the output of ffprobe to a video file.
> 1. Audio stream.
> 2. Video stream
> 3. Format (which represents the container).
> Every one of them has duration and bitrate.
> In this case there is Streams, and Format.
> In the part of the format in v5.1.4 the duration is 6.452311 and bitrate is
> 323592
> In v.6.1.1 the duration is 35393.442471 and bitrate is 58.  (Duration is
> much longer, although the video is ~6.5 seconds long.)
> the duration and the bitrate in the part of audio stream and video stream
> remains the same in both versions.
> Hope that clarifies the problem.

The audio stream has a very high start time, as reported by both versions.
The format duration in 5.1 is computed only taking into account the 
stream durations whereas 6.1 considers stream start times as well.
Technically, 6.1 is correct. Your file likely has a bad edit list for 
the audio stream.

You can open a ticket via https://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html


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