[FFmpeg-user] The future of video

MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News news at macfh.co.uk
Wed Jul 17 11:05:26 EEST 2024

On 17/07/2024 01:01, Mark Filipak wrote:
> On 16/07/2024 19.40, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News wrote:
>> On 17/07/2024 00:02, Mark Filipak wrote:
>>>    To match human persistence of vision, the refresh rate of individual
>>> pels actually needs to be no greater than 10 or 12 refreshes per second.
>>> Only the dots that change need be refreshed and only to the extent that
>>> they change. Of course, if sub-dots are electrically dynamic instead of
>>> electrically static, then TVs need to have some sort of dynamic refresh
>>> that's opaque to the input. Bulk screen refresh at the input is
>>> undesirable because it would flash at 10 or 12 Hz.
>> I'm afraid all the above para is bollocks.
> You're absolutely correct. It's not really persistence of vision (as in
> afterimages), but everyone calls it "persistence of vision".

I think you've misunderstood me: after-images are a different phenomenon
and "everyone calls it 'persistence of vision'" is merely a restatement
of the widespread belief in the myth; however, there is no such thing,
thus your para above, being based on a belief in it, is without
foundation, and therefore, as perhaps I rather unkindly put it but it
has the advantage of clarity, bollocks.

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