[FFmpeg-user] Why are these different?

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 02:22:59 EET 2024

On 07/02/2024 16.53, Paul B Mahol wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 10:28 PM Mark Filipak <markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Carl,
>> On 07/02/2024 13.56, Carl Zwanzig wrote:
>>> On 2/7/2024 10:34 AM, Mark Filipak wrote:
>>>> Okay. Why are they different?
>>> Because the containers are different? An mp4 container is not the same
>> as an mkv (or avi or mpeg),
>>> they must have different demuxers.
>> They are the same source, same container. The only difference is command.
>> ffmpeg -ss 20.061708333 -copyts -i %SOURCE% -map 0 -c copy -sn -dn
>> -muxdelay 0 %TARGET%
>> ffmpeg -copyts -i %SOURCE% -map 0 -ss 20.061708333 -c copy -sn -dn
>> -muxdelay 0 %TARGET%
>> Why do the results differ? They're not a little different. They're very
>> different. The DTSs differ.
>> The PTSs differ. The cutting points differ by a couple hundred frames.
>> Even some of the packet
>> lengths differ! This is serious.
>> I can't tell if the GOPs differ -- DTS-sorted v PTS-sorted -- because it's
>> impossible to correlate
>> 'framecrc' results and 'showinfo' results.
> use -v debug

Here ya go, Paul. Logs are attached.

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