[FFmpeg-user] Is there any good reason why FFmpeg doesn't do "-vcodec copy" automatically.

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sat Sep 30 23:39:15 EEST 2023

Am 30.09.23 um 21:29 schrieb Carl Zwanzig:
> On 9/30/2023 12:07 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> is there a good reason to throw a video file through ffmpeg when you 
>> don't want to touch it?
> Changing the container or working only with the audio or subtitle tracks.
> So yes, there is a good reason

whatever the default is you will always have workloads where it don't 
match - hence you have options to specify your needs

if you have a godd reason for "-vcodec copy" the specify it, case closed

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