[FFmpeg-user] Can transpose and between done in one command

Cecil Westerhof Cecil at decebal.nl
Tue Sep 26 13:22:46 EEST 2023

At the moment I have:
    time nice -n 10 ionice -c3      \
        ffmpeg -y                   \
            -ss  1.5                \
            -to 60.8                \
            -i "${inputVideo}"      \
            -acodec copy            \
            -vcodec libx264         \
            -preset veryfast        \
            -crf 26                 \
            -vf "transpose=cclock"  \

    time nice -n 10 ionice -c3                      \
        ffmpeg -threads 2 -y                        \
            -i "${inputVideoTurned}"                \
            -acodec aac                             \
            -vcodec libx264                         \
            -preset veryfast                        \
            -crf 26                                 \
            -vf "
                 select='between(t,   0.7,  13.0) +
                         between(t,  26.0,  67.0) +
                         between(t,  82.0,  87.2)',
            "                                       \
            -af "
                aselect='between(t,   0.7,  13.0) +
                         between(t,  26.0,  67.0) +
                         between(t,  82.0,  87.2)',
            "                                       \

Would it be possible to get the transpose merged into the between
statement? In principle that would lead to a little better output
video I think, because it is processed one time less. Or would it not
make much difference?

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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