[FFmpeg-user] Seeking Efficient Video Redaction Using FFMPEG with Limited Memory Usage

sreekar manchukonda sreekarcool123 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 19:13:01 EET 2023


I'm seeking help on how to utilize ffmpeg to apply an extensive number of
filters—specifically over 2000, each filter including a crop, boxblur, and
overlay—to a video over an hour long. The intention is to redact certain
sections of the input at various times without consuming excessive memory.

Could you advise if there's a method to manage thread pooling to limit the
number of concurrent threads to prevent memory overflow?

Also, I'm looking for a strategy to process these threads in a sequence,
incorporating the output directly into the final video, while periodically
clearing the memory utilized by intermediate filter operations. Presently,
memory is only freed after the complete processing concludes.

I would greatly appreciate an efficient approach to this.

Thank you.

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