[FFmpeg-user] hls playlist got wiped out when ffmpeg runs as systemd child process

Jonathan Baecker jonbae77 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 20:25:30 EEST 2022

Am 10.07.22 um 19:12 schrieb Jonathan Baecker:
> Am 08.07.22 um 22:30 schrieb Reindl Harald:
>> Am 08.07.22 um 18:16 schrieb Greg Oliver:
>>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 5:25 AM jb <jonbae77 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>> I have a control program which running as a systemd service. This
>>>> program spawns ffmpeg and that is writing to a HLS playlist. I use 
>>>> this
>>>> flags:
>>>>      -hls_flags 
>>>> append_list+delete_segments+omit_endlist+program_date_time
>>>> The interesting thing is, when I stop the systemd process my HLS
>>>> playlist got wiped out and when I start the service again ffmpeg will
>>>> not continue the playlist, instead it writes a new one.
>>>> When I run my control program directly from shell, I don't have this
>>>> behavior. I can stop the program and start it again and the HLS 
>>>> playlist
>>>> will continue.
>>>> Does anybody notice this different behaviors? And has an idea why this
>>>> is happen and what I can do here?
>>> systemd is not stateful - unless you create stateful files with your
>>> exec{pre,post,start} stanzas, it will get overwritten every time
>> "systemd is not stateful" means nothing on it's own
>> stateful *for what*
>> even "PrivateTmp" is *not* default enabled, but when you enable it 
>> and your application trie sto re-use files in /tmp they are gone
> Thank you for your suggestions! PrivateTmp=no was not working, but I 
> did some more tests and figure out: the problem is related to the way 
> systemd stops child processes. When I run ffmpeg directly with systemd 
> the content from the m3u8 playlist survive, but when I start ffmpeg 
> from a bash script, or my control program, the content got deleted.

Sorry that I reply to my self, but I have it now. KillMode=mixed did the 

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