[FFmpeg-user] show an image with FFplay for 5 seconds

Michael Koch astroelectronic at t-online.de
Fri Jul 1 17:12:51 EEST 2022

Am 01.07.2022 um 16:03 schrieb Michael Koch:
> Hello,
> is it possible to show an image with FFplay for 5 seconds, and then 
> exit? I did try this command in a Windows batch file, but it doesn't 
> stop after 5 seconds. I drag and drop the image on the batch file:
> ffplay -autoexit -loop 0 -t 5 %1

A workaround with -loop 125 works.

The problem in my first command line seems to be that -loop 0 has a 
higher priority than -t 5. Shouldn't the -t option have higher priority?


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