[FFmpeg-user] ERROR: zimg >= 2.7.0 not found using pkg-config

Adam Nielsen a.nielsen at shikadi.net
Fri Jan 14 11:09:39 EET 2022

> Hi, when compiling, is there a good way to fix the
> ERROR: zimg >= 2.7.0 not found using pkg-config
> Was using this guide
> https://zimg.buaa.us/documents/install/

That tells you to configure things to install into /usr/local (which is
a good idea), but have you then configured pkg-config to look in
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig as well?  Often it won't look in the
/usr/local prefix by default.

I can't remember how to configure it off the top of my head but the
instructions will only be a Google away.


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