[FFmpeg-user] ERROR: libvmaf >= 2.0.0 not found using pkg-config

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Feb 3 14:11:09 EET 2022

Am 03.02.22 um 13:07 schrieb 桃源老師
> I experienced funny ffmpeg compille error "ERROR: libvmaf >= 2.0.0 not found using pkg-config".  The reason why I feel funny is that ffmpeg commit of "06a54a4ec73ea6eb8cec41b7af75367bafb075e0(Date: Sat Jan 22 10:32:34 2022 +0100)" can configure and make correctly, but current git head can't configure.  I suppose something wrong was happened after 2022/01/22

i wonder how that can be given that we are always told here that latest 
git has *always* less bugs than anything else :-)

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