[FFmpeg-user] Where are the list archives? [was: Re: RTMP stream from digital mic : interruptions]

Jim DeLaHunt list+ffmpeg-user at jdlh.com
Mon May 17 22:59:59 EEST 2021

On 2021-05-17 07:44, ckxkexing wrote:
> hello,
> Do you know is it possible to see all history mailing list ?

Hello, ckxkexing, and welcome to the FFmpeg-user email list.

I think what you are asking is, are the archives (past messages sent to 
the list, or "history") of the ffmpeg-user list available on the web?

Answer: yes, at https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/ .

For instance, your question is in the archive at

There is general information about the ffmpeg-user list at 
https://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-user . That page gives a way 
for you to subscribe to the list.

Also, it looks like you sent your question to this list by replying to a 
message about a different topic. That is not the best way to do it. It 
is better to start off each new question with a new message to the list, 
using a new Subject: line. That is what I am doing here.

There are more rules for good use of the FFmpeg lists at 
https://ffmpeg.org/contact.html#MailingLists .

Does this answer your question?

Best regards, and I wish you much success using FFmpeg.
      —Jim DeLaHunt

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