[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg list footer

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Mar 9 22:15:06 EET 2021

Am 09.03.21 um 21:13 schrieb Phil Rhodes via ffmpeg-user:
>   One of the other issues with this is that nobody ever seems to bother enforcing any rule whatsoever on this list in any case, so I view the entire discussion as pointless.
> P
>      On Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 20:08:09 GMT, Carl Zwanzig <cpz at tuunq.com> wrote:
>   On 3/9/2021 11:52 AM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
>> Yes, few people read the list FAQ.
> I suspect the issue is that very few people know that the FAQ exists and
> ought to be read/followed, this includes some long-time list members,
> The list FAQ should also be mentioned in the the welcome message. I raised
> this, over a year ago to a/the list owner, who replied--
>>> Could we include the entire FAQ section 6.1 into the list welcome
>>> message? (I don't know specifically who maintains the list.) That might
>>> cut down on some of the badly-written postings.
>> thanks for the input and it's definitely a good idea - if it cuts down
>> bad messages, well we might hope for that at least 0:-)
> But AFAIK nothing happened

well, you guy aren't even capable to operate a mail client basically - 
look what in your message appears like it's part of your response while 
it's part of the quote

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