[FFmpeg-user] How to get he total number of frames

Michael Koch astroelectronic at t-online.de
Tue Mar 9 10:58:54 EET 2021

Am 09.03.2021 um 09:46 schrieb Ulf Zibis:
> Am 09.03.21 um 09:26 schrieb Peter White:
>> On Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 09:13:14AM +0100, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>>> Hi,,
>>> can one please tell me, how I can get the total number of frames of 
>>> a video?
>> ffmpeg -i input -an -sn -c copy -f null -
>> This basically copies all frames into the void but you get the total
>> count this way in the stats line.
> Much thanks. This at least gives a ballpark figure. Is there a way to 
> get the exact frame count?

These links might help:


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