[FFmpeg-user] repeat a frame

Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) markfilipak at bog.us
Thu Mar 4 10:57:38 EET 2021

On 2021-03-04 01:05, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> On 2021-03-03 14:57, Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) wrote:
>> With TB = 1/(720000 ticks/s), for a 24.976fps output,
>> deltaPTS = (1001/24000 frames/s)/(1/(720000 ticks/s)) = 30030 ticks/frame
>> If working time_base (from the AVRational) has an effective resolution of int32 (i.e. ±2147483647 
>> ticks), then frames past 0:49:42 will be dropped.
> I see what you are getting at, but you are using the wrong terminology for this software product, so 
> your statements sound garbled.
> Remember that, in FFmpeg, the time_base is the time difference between frames, in seconds...

I can't agree. I think you refer to (PTS ticks)x(TB s/tick).

I think that time_base (TB) is the tick rate of the STC (system time clock, 27 MHz for mpeg2video) 
divided by a divider (300 for mpeg2video). For example, 1/(90000 ticks/s) = 11.[1..] µs/tick is the 
time_base for mpeg2video.

What I'm using is TB = 1/(720000 ticks/s) = 1.3[8..] µs/tick (which has 8x higher resolution than 

>... It is an 
> attribute of the stream, so its value does not change regardless of the length of the stream (unless 
> something changes the time_base, creating a second stream derived from the first). Time_base is type 
> AVRational, which is a rational number, not an integer, not a float.

Hmmm... You are implying that time_base is not being converted to a float, eh? AVRational 
mathematics, eh? Strange, but I guess it's not impossible (or unreasonable).

> Instead of "working time_base", i think you mean "time offset". This is the number of seconds since 
> the zero time. FFmpeg can get a lot done without calculating the time offset.

By "working time_base" I mean the time_base used in the filter pipeline (as opposed to the decoder 
or encoder time_base). I gave it a name because it otherwise has no name to differentiate it.

> Time offset = time_base * Presentation Timestamp (PTS).  Thus, PTS = time offset / time_base.
> FFmpeg uses PTS values, related to the constant time_base, a lot.
>> If working time_base has an effective resolution of uint32 (i.e. 4294967295 ticks), then frames 
>> past 1:39:26 will be dropped >
> When it comes to integers, "resolution" is not the right term to use. "Maximum value" and "minimum 
> value" are the most comment. "range" or "capacity" might also be used.  The number of bits in the 
> integer is the "size".

No, I mean resolution, temporal resolution in this case. A 1.3[8..] µs/tick time_base has 8 times 
the resolution of a 11.[1..] µs/tick time_base.

The thing that's attractive about a 1.3[8..] µs/tick time_base is that it produces exact integer 
'PTS's for 23.976fps, 24fps, 25fps, 29.970fps, 30fps, 47.952fps, 48fps, 50fps, 59.940fps, 60fps, 
100fps, 119.880fps, and 120fps. Lower resolution 'time_base's do not produce exact integers for such 
a broad range of frame rates.

> The AVRational value is stored as an integer numerator and an integer denominator. The ranges of 
> those integers are sufficient to store 1 and 72,000. Beyond that, for this discussion it doesn't 
> matter what their maximum values are.

Well, per rational.h, 'num' & 'den' are both integers.

Now, I don't know how '720000' is stored. Is it stored as an int64? I don't know, but I do know that 
it can't be stored as an 8-bit integer or a 16-bit integer or anything else that has 8-bit or 16-bit 
resolution. That includes AVRational. 720000 can't be stored as AVRational. AVRational just doesn't 
have enough resolution.

Please prove me wrong! I hope you can, because in the proving you will expose what really happens 
when ffmpeg computes 'PTS's, and that's something I very much want to know.

>> I think that the successful transcode of a 2:21:19 video confirms that the working time_base is 
>> sufficient. I suspect it's a float but of course I don't know that and I don't know its resolution.
> As we have discussed, PTS is stored as an int64_t, a signed integer with a size of 64 bits. The 
> maximum value of an int64_t is (2^63)-1, about 9 billion billion (9.2 * 10^18). FFmpeg may reserve a 
> few of the maximum and minimum values to indicate special conditions, but 9 billion billion will do.

Again, my issue is with the resolution of TB, not the extent (range) of either TB or PTS.

> The time offset is calculated from an int64_t * (integer / integer). FFmpeg code can choose to store 
> the result exactly as a rational number (assuming a numerator with a high enough maximum value), or 
> approximately as an integer or a high-precision float, as the circumstances demand.
> With a time_base of 1/720,000 secs, a near-maximum PTS of 9 billion billion indicates a near-maximum 
> time offset of a little over 396,000 years.

I'm sure you know that the running time produced by 'PTS's depends on frame rate *and* time_base. 
For example, for 23.976fps and TB = 1/(720000 ticks/s) = 1.3[8..] µs/tick, a PTS of 
+9223372036854775800 indicates a 307138595965860 maximum frame number. That frame number is reached 
by a 426581383 second video (= 13 years, 189 days, 49 minutes, 43 seconds). Such an improbable 
running time is a consequence of PTS being an int64. it has no bearing on temporal resolution. The 
temporal resolution is 1.3[8..] µs/tick (or, for 23.976fps CFR, deltaPTS = 30030).

> Most of your films will likely be shorter than that.

Do you agree with my figures? Do you see the difference between time extents and time resolution?

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