[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg BUG ????
17291429 at qq.com
Thu Jan 21 07:29:12 EET 2021
I use ffmpeg to cut the FLAC audio. Then I find that when I add - acodec copy, the length of the generated FLAC file remains unchanged, but the size is compressed, and ffmpeg does not report any errors. But when I remove - acodec copy, I can cut it normally.And even after the clipping is successful, there will be exceptions when using avplayer to play on iPhone. Why?
ffmpeg -i /Users/luokai/Desktop/朴树-平凡之路.flac -ss 60.5 -t 30 -acodec copy -y /Users/luokai/Desktop/朴树-平凡之路_Trim.flac
ffmpeg -i /Users/luokai/Desktop/朴树-平凡之路.flac -ss 60.5 -t 30 -y /Users/luokai/Desktop/朴树-平凡之路_Trim.flac
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