[FFmpeg-user] Lag when streaming video+audio from RPi Zero W with Logitech C920

Emanuele meema at tiscali.it
Sat Jan 9 08:45:56 EET 2021


I've been trying to set up a baby monitor with a Raspberry Pi Zero
and a Logitech C920 webcam. It does work with VLC (cvlc) but it lags too
much and gets worse over time. 

So I am playing around with ffmpeg and
I am getting some better results. This is what I've done so far. 

I set the webcam to output h264 1080p natively (the Pi Zero W can't
afford to do any transcoding). 


Now, if I stream
audio only with 

 -f alsa 
 -i hw:1,0 
 -acodec aac 
 -ac 1 
 -ar 16000 
 -ab 16k 
 -f rtp
rtp:// [1] > audio.sdp 

It works great and the lag is
about 1 second (definitely acceptable). 

If I stream video only with

 -f v4l2 
 -vcodec h264 
 -i /dev/video0 
 -vcodec copy

 -pix_fmt yuv420p 
 -r 30 
 -b:v 512k 
 -flags +global_header 
 -f rtp
rtp:// [2] > video.sdp 

same result, very little lag
(for some reason the first -vcodec is necessary to force the webcam to
output h264). 

However, when I stream both with 

 -f v4l2 

-vcodec h264 
 -i /dev/video0 
 -f alsa 
 -i hw:1,0 
 -tune zerolatency 
 -vcodec copy 
 -pix_fmt yuv420p 
 -r 30

 -b:v 512k 
 -flags +global_header 
 -f rtp rtp:// [3]

 -flags +global_header 
 -acodec aac 
 -ac 1 
 -ar 16000 
 -f rtp rtp:// [4] > both.sdp 

The lag ramps up
to ~10 seconds and audio and video are out of sync. Does anybody know

I've tried UDP and TCP instead of RTP but then the lag is ALWAYS
high, even with audio/video only. 

Any suggestion is much appreciated.

P.S. On the client side (MacOS) I'm receiving with 

-protocol_whitelist file,rtp,udp -i file.sdp

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