[FFmpeg-user] transcode via VapourSynth plugins

Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) markfilipak at bog.us
Wed Feb 10 02:09:59 EET 2021

I seek to transcode via VapourSynth's svpflow1_vs64.dll & svpflow2_vs64.dll plugins.

The best information I've found is that VS integration is possible via the following 3 methods.
Method 1: ffmpeg -f vapoursynth -i SCRIPT.vpy ...
Method 2: python SCRIPT.vpy | ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe - ...
Method 3: vspipe --y4m SCRIPT.vpy - | ffmpeg -i pipe: ...

Method 1: Since available ffmpeg builds don't include vapoursynth support, I will forego this method 
in lieu of piping.
Method 2: Do you, dear reader, have experience with this method that you'd care to share?
Method 3: Do you, dear reader, have experience with this method that you'd care to share?

Warm Regards,

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