[FFmpeg-user] Removing a metadata tag from a specfic stream

MediaMouth communque at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 18:34:19 EET 2021

lOn Feb 6, 2021, at 07:44, Thibeau <vercruyssen.thibeau at gmail.com> wrote:
> I indeed figured out how to extract the cover art than remove it from the song.
> I already know how to place it back too. The problem is I don’t know what the metadata comment tag is. 
> I can’t find it on the image after extracting with exiftools or any other tool for that matter.
I saw the same. It seems to be metadata associated with that video stream.

> If I reattach the cover afterwards with ffmpeg, the metadata tag is still there.
Ugh.  Always coming back as "comment=other"?

> I guess it must be stored somewhere, but I have no idea how to acces or change 
I'm hoping one of the FFmpeg devs can shed some light on this

> P.S the commands I used to split/extract/... just came from stackoverflow answers, happy to send to commands here if you need them.
That would be great.  Thanks.  I haven't found one that works for .flac  yet.

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