[FFmpeg-user] "instead of complaining, submit a patch" [was: Re: minterpolate problem]

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Feb 2 12:04:32 EET 2021

Am 02.02.21 um 10:46 schrieb Phil Rhodes via ffmpeg-user:
>      On Tuesday, 2 February 2021, 06:30:35 GMT, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:
>> muhahaha - a word document is how writers work?
> Yeah. I mean, think about it - how else are you going to track changes in a document?
> I guess you could improvise some sort of solution by, I don't know, sending each other emails with lines added or removed prefixed by a plus or minus sign? Heh, it'd be like everyone's stuck in the 1970s with access to nothing more than a mechanical teletype machine, it'd be an almost unreadable nightmare, but I guess it could work.
> But obviously, nobody in their right mind would ever possibly do that, right?

if people would be capable to operate a mail-client you would be 
impressed how good things are working

but, yeah when mixing quoting-styles, html, plaintext, top-posting, 
inline-quoting, TOFU it beomes a nightmare

sorry but in most cases when someone comes up with word/excel files 
instead of pure plaintext things only become worser and that will not 
change in 100 years

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