[FFmpeg-user] How to re-include cea_608 (cc_dec) in FFmpeg build when also using --disable-decoders

Eric Juteau ericjut at outlook.com
Thu Dec 30 20:44:24 EET 2021


I’m trying to include only the codecs I need in my FFmpeg build. I’m using –disable-decoders and re-enabling just the ones that I need via –enable_decoder=’’. This seems to work on almost every codec I need, except for the eia_608 (cc_dec) decoder. I tried to include it using “cc_dec”, “eia_608” and both, and none of them add the decoder.

Here’s what I see when I just use the default config (aka not disabling the codecs):


D..... = Decoding supported

.E.... = Encoding supported

..V... = Video codec

..A... = Audio codec

..S... = Subtitle codec

...I.. = Intra frame-only codec

....L. = Lossy compression

.....S = Lossless compression



D.S... eia_608              EIA-608 closed captions (decoders: cc_dec )


And here’s what I see when using these in my configure:

--disable-decoders --enable-decoder='h264,rawvideo,pcm_s8,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16be,libfdk_aac,webvtt,eia_608,cc_dec,subrip,srt'


D..... = Decoding supported

.E.... = Encoding supported

..V... = Video codec

..A... = Audio codec

..S... = Subtitle codec

...I.. = Intra frame-only codec

....L. = Lossy compression

.....S = Lossless compression



..S... eia_608              EIA-608 closed captions


Does anyone know what else I have to do to manually re-enable the eia_608 decoder?

Thank you in advance.


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