[FFmpeg-user] Passing three frames at once to the VESPCN and VSRNET models
Vítek Novotný
witiko at mail.muni.cz
Sun Aug 15 10:28:33 EEST 2021
Hello all,
I am the maintainer of the miratmu/ffmpeg-tensorflow Docker image, which
provides up-to-date FFMpeg with --enable-libtensorflow and includes
super-resolution models from https://github.com/HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr.
- https://github.com/MIR-MU/ffmpeg-tensorflow
- https://hub.docker.com/r/miratmu/ffmpeg-tensorflow
The HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr repository provides two pre-trained
super-resolution models for the simpler ESPCN and SRCNN architectures,
which superscale the Y channel of a single frame at a time. Here is how
we can superscale a video using miratmu/ffmpeg-tensorflow and ESPCN:
$ wget https://media.xiph.org/video/derf/y4m/flower_cif.y4m
$ alias ffmpeg-tensorflow='
> docker run --rm --gpus all -u $(id -u):$(id -g)
> -v "$PWD":/data -w /data -it miratmu/ffmpeg-tensorflow
> '
$ ffmpeg-tensorflow -i flower_cif.y4m -filter_complex '
> [0:v] format=yuv420p, extractplanes=y+u+v [y][u][v];
> [y] sr=tensorflow:/models/espcn.pb:2 [Y];
> [u] scale=iw*2:ih*2 [U]; [v] scale=iw*2:ih*2 [V];
> [Y][U][V] mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv420p [merged]
> ' -map [merged] -sws_flags lanczos -y flower_cif_2x.mp4
The HighVoltageRocknRoll/sr repository provides also two pre-trained
super-resolution models for the more advanced VSRNET and VESPCN
architectures, which superscale the Y channel of three frames at a
time---the previous frame, the current frame, and the following frame:
Using the above code with the /models/vespcn.pb model will produce a
video, where the Y channel contains three subsampled copies of the
single input frame, see the attachment produced with -frames:v 1
How would you the pass the Y channel of three frames at once to the
sr filter in FFMpeg, so that we can use advanced super-resolution
architectures such as VSRNET and VESPCN?
Vítek Novotný
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