[FFmpeg-user] Cut part of a video, crop it and blackout parts of it

Cecil Westerhof Cecil at decebal.nl
Mon Apr 5 12:53:03 EEST 2021

Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> writes:

> Carl Eugen Hoyos (12021-04-05):
>> There is a fundamental misunderstanding:
>> You decide how much quality you want to preserve, x264 decides how
>> much bitrate is needed to reach that quality.
> You also decide how much computing power you want to spend on it, which
> Cecil neglected to do. More computing power usually means lower bitrate
> for same quality. The keyword is "preset".

Yes, that was not smart.

The funny thing about that is that years ago I have played with that.
My very strange finding was that I could best use veryfast. It was
faster and created smaller files. But that is many years ago, so maybe
that is not true anymore.

Time to play with preset again.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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