[FFmpeg-user] building ffmpeg errors with vc++

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Sat May 16 20:53:36 EEST 2020

Am Sa., 16. Mai 2020 um 19:51 Uhr schrieb Forough Majidi via
ffmpeg-user <ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg.org>:
> On my system nvidia drivers is installed and I installed mingw-w64-x86_64-opencl-icd-git
> and I built FFmpeg as following:
> 1-x86-x64 cross tools command prompt for VS 2019 run as administrator and Open mingw64 from the command prompt
> 2-cd c:\ffmpeg_test\ffmpeg
> 3-./configure -- toolchain=msvc --enable-opencl
> But opencl not found

How do you know that opencl was not found?
(Did you actually read the message that was printed?)

Probably unrelated: I strongly suggest to use wsl to compile
FFmpeg for Windows.

Carl Eugen

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