[FFmpeg-user] want to stream video from one computer to another which are connected to the internet using ffmpeg commands

Moritz Barsnick barsnick at gmx.net
Thu Mar 5 12:33:51 EET 2020

On Thu, Mar 05, 2020 at 15:34:11 +0530, Nishad DESHMUKH wrote:
>  i have two computer one with win10 OS and other  with ubuntu . I want to
> play video on ubuntu but the video present in win10 computer . both  are
> connected to internet . Is there 8is any way to do it ?

Please have a look at these guides:

Especially the section "Point to point streaming".

> i tried udp protocol but not working ?

Works for me.

Do take into consideration, that not every computer can reach every
other computer "on the internet", due to NAT and firewalls (blocked


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