[FFmpeg-user] How to compress .MOV file compatible to Canon camera

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 01:52:08 EET 2020

Am Mi., 4. März 2020 um 00:50 Uhr schrieb Ulf Zibis <Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de>:
> Am 01.03.20 um 18:13 schrieb Carl Eugen Hoyos:
> > Both the level and the profile options are mentioned in the
> > documentation.
> But not it's possible values :-(

As you found out (I didn't know), the ones that are related to
FFmpeg are mentioned, the ones that are part of x264 are
not mentioned in the FFmpeg documentation.

Carl Eugen

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