[FFmpeg-user] Remote path of source files

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Thu Jul 23 16:48:51 EEST 2020

Mario Brustia (12020-07-23):
> Hello, unfortunately it gives me an error with both http and https
> *ffmpeg -framerate 10 -pattern_type glob -i
> "http://www.miosito/archivio_webcam/test/*.jpg" -vf zoompan=d=1 .... etc
> etc...*
> Error :*
> *
> *[mjpeg @ 0x1e77820] No JPEG data found in image
> [image2 @ 0x1e76250] decoding for stream 0 failed

-pattern_type glob is not supported for remote protocols, only local
files. The documentation should specify it.

For HTTP, it is an intrinsic limitation of the protocol, there is
nothing we could do except unreliable hacks.

Printf patterns, %d and such, are supported.


  Nicolas George
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