[FFmpeg-user] Decimation with ppsrc=1 malfunctions

Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) markfilipak at bog.us
Sun Dec 27 23:48:47 EET 2020

On 12/27/2020 04:26 PM, Paul B Mahol wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 7:56 PM pdr0 <pdr0 at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> pdr0 wrote
>>> I don't know if it's the full explanation...
>>> The way it should work is ppsrc should disable everything else , given if
>>> input src ,and ppsrc have the exact same timecodes
>>> In theory, you should get same as -vf decimate on preprocessed.mkv
>>> ffmpeg -i preprocessed.mkv -vf decimate -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -an
>>> preprodec.mkv
>>> gives drops at - 1019,1024,1029...
>>> The interval is different and there are 2 more frames , 138 vs. 136
>> ffmpeg -i preprocessed.mkv -vf decimate=scthresh=0 -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -an
>> preprodec2.mkv -y
>> gives 138 frames when run alone, but 136 frames when run with 2 inputs and
>> ppsrc=1 .
>> It's still unexpected behaviour
> Should be fixed.

Thank you, folks! It makes all the hours spent working to make a good submission worth the effort 
and time.

So, I see this:

What's the logistics here? When will I see a commit and new build? What will I look for, or do I 
simply wait until tomorrow and download the latest build? I apologize for asking but this is all 
uncharted territory to me.

Regards and Happy 2021 to everyone,

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