[FFmpeg-user] Uninstalling ffmpeg

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Dec 3 02:03:47 EET 2020

Am 02.12.20 um 20:25 schrieb Andy Sheimo:
>> i just don't get the stupidity of the OP which can be solved by a little
>> child within 2 minutes of thinking in case of a slow brain
>> having a static binary somewhere is a no-brainer - period
> Actually having a static binary is not a no brainer. I know that I use a
> static binary and I can make said static binary jump through hoops, but I
> can't tell you why I use a static binary or the difference between that and
> a shared binary. Someday I should probably learn but as of today I don't
> know. if that makes me "a little child" with "a slow brain" then said
> person is brilliant.

jesus when the only "install" of something was unpck a tarball and use 
the one and only file within what uninstall does it need?

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