[FFmpeg-user] install on centos fail

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Wed Aug 5 13:20:22 EEST 2020

jacky renaux (12020-08-05):
> hI ? as you might know due to the coronavirus, universities are closed and
> in France it is vacation period . I am not a system engineer just a ffmpeg
> user . I cannot get system eng support at a present time and do prepar the
> september time where we will need visio conférences. I am a old retired guy
> "working " in a non profit organisation tight to an university. I do not
> have the background you have this is why I tried to compile in $HOME just to
> not kill what as been done by "professionnal"

I do not see why your status as an old retired guy prevents you from
learning. Quite the opposite, you probably have more time and less
external pressure.

But do not about this particular issue: the advice to build a package is
bad. Installing in $HOME is perfectly fine.


  Nicolas George
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