[FFmpeg-user] rtsp stream interruption

Ted Park kumowoon1025 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 19:25:24 EEST 2020


> i'd like to know how to configure rtsp as a input, beacause all the time it stops after some aleatory time, how to make it stable ?
> i'm using these options:
>    "-rtsp_transport", "tcp",
>    "-i", rtspUrl,
>    "-r", "15",
>    "-b:v", "1M",
>    "-maxrate", "1M",
>    "-bufsize", "2M",
>    "-vf", "fps=480/60",
>    "-f", "image2pipe",
>    "-loglevel", "99",
>    "-",

Why does it say it stopped? loglevel doesn't have an option 99, I don't know what happens when you put in 99 but you might end up with binary 99&56 (56 being the as verbose as possible option, if my memory serves me right)

Ted Park

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