[FFmpeg-user] Requesting to add a new book to the "Books about FFmpeg" section?

John Riselvato jdriselvato at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 15:58:55 EEST 2020

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I released my first programming book: "The FFmpeg Bible - 112
Questions Answered: Edit Audio & Video Like a Pro for Youtube and Social

"This is the ultimate FFmpeg programmers guide for users at any level.
Readers at the novice level can gracefully learn FFmpeg and become
upper-intermediate in no time. Soon you’ll be able to edit audio and video
like a pro! Over 112 Questions fully answered with examples, scripts and

Really it's an introductory book that answers the top 112 questions found
all over the internet. It's currently available through Amazon in over 13
countries in both Paperback and Kindle. I'm extremely proud of the
outcome of the final product and ready to share it with future FFmpeg

So my question is, is it possible to add this book to the "Books about
FFmpeg" found here: https://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html

My website link with all 13 countries can be found here which is the
preferred link to add to the website:

Thank you very much,
John Riselvato

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