[FFmpeg-user] Please help confirm if this hard, system crash is reproducible

Rob Hallam ffmpeg at roberthallam.com
Mon Apr 6 13:16:39 EEST 2020

On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 11:01, Ted Park <kumowoon1025 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am experiencing a no-warning, system level, dead Macintosh II bitmap
> logo, sad Finder face icon type HARD CRASH every time I run a ffplay
> command.
> The exact command line is the following:
> % ffplay -f lavfi -i "anoisesrc[a1];sine,[a1]amix"
WOMM, ffmpeg n4.2.1 in the first VM I can find (Linux Arch).

I cannot seem to get bidirectional clipboard to work, but there is very
little console output anyway.

I'll test on a somewhat dated Apple machine (10.11.6) when homebrew
finishes updating itself.


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