[FFmpeg-user] minterpolate only frames 3, 8, 13, 18, etc.
Mark Filipak
markfilipak.windows+ffmpeg at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 16:53:41 EEST 2020
On 04/05/2020 06:01 AM, Moritz Barsnick wrote:
> Mark,
> On Sun, Apr 05, 2020 at 04:53:26 -0400, Mark Filipak wrote:
>> Correction... (This is not my day -- going stir crazy).
> You have disputed it before, but here it goes again. You keep opening
> new threads with the same or almost same topic by writing new emails.
> This will make people miss responses, if one response goes to the one
> thread while one is going to the other. (You have some five "telecine
> 5555" threads running - REALLY hard to follow.)
They are related, of course, but they're differing topics. But trust me, I'll tie them all together
at the end and provide some nice documentation. This is an evolving saga.
> Please, if you make a correction (that can happen, admitted), *reply*
> to you previous email instead of opening a new thread.
No. No. I separated them intentionally. Each thread is a worthy and separate topic. If they were all
in the same thread, I think they'd be even more confusing, bouncing back and forth and having vital
parts removed to thin the text. Have faith, friend. If you can help with one thread, then you're
helping with all. Think of them as sub-topics, separate chapters, step-wise learning experiences.
> This would really help us to assist you. I myself keep getting lost in
> your threads, and lose interest.
>> ffmpeg -i IN -filter_complex
>> "split[A][B],[A]drop((n+1)%10==3|(n+1)%10==8)[C],[B]drop(!((n+1)%10==3&!(n+1)%10==8)[D],[D]minterpolate(mi_mode=mci(mc_mode=obmc),scd=none)[E],[C][E]merge"
> a) A comma ',' always chains two filters to each other. You have
> "break" points after "[A][B]", and so on. These are separate filter
> chains with dedicated "[]" inputs and outputs, so need to be separated
> with semicolons ';'.
How separated by semicolons? What separated by semicolons?
Do you mean "[A];[B] bla-bla-bla [C]"? Or "[A][B] bla-bla-bla [C];"? Or something else?
> b) The mathematical expressions you are passing are understood by some
> filters, but with a different syntax. For one, you have to tell the
> filter for which of its options these expressions are valid,
I don't have a clue to what you refer. "For one"?
> for the
> other, you have to use ffmpeg expression syntax,
"the other"?
> and for the third, you
> unfortunately may have to quote some characters.
? "the third"?
> c) For dropping frames, I suggest the "select" filter, obviously with
> an inverse expression.
What is "an inverse expression"? Do you mean ! (bang) is supported? How? Sorry, but you are being
too vague for a slug like me. I'm just a simple chip designer.
> d) I see where you are going, and may try to help you construct a
> command line. But see how far you can get first.
You know, I appreciate that, and I know that struggle is considered by some to be instructive, but
it's been proved that it's not the best way to learn. It's been proved that success is the best
teacher. After all the abuse that some have heaped on me, I really need a success. I'll have more
learning to do, and more opportunities for struggle. I'm not going anywhere.
> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/FilteringGuide
> https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-utils.html#Expression-Evaluation
> (Sorry, no examples in the latter. There should be a lot on the list
> and on StackOverflow.)
Okay, okay. I've read all this stuff, but I'll read it all again.
> Cheers,
> Moritz
And Ciao, Moritz,
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