[FFmpeg-user] how to send metadata in mpegts via ffmpeg

Ted Park kumowoon1025 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 13:09:13 EEST 2019

> On Oct 21, 2019, at 9:36 PM, qw <applemax82 at 163.com> wrote:
> The usage of id3 timed metadata can be found in the following link:
> https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/HTTP_Live_Streaming_Metadata_Spec/2/2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010435-CH2-DontLinkElementID_9
Other than a general premise that it is to be used in transport streams served over HLS, I can’t find any info regarding usage, but it does spell out the implementation details fairly quickly.

I have ITU-T H.222.0 specs which is pretty much identical to the ISO specification, and Apple’s “Timed ID3” sounds like it falls into the “carriage in PES packets” method of 2.12.3 of that document.

> The format of metadata in flv is of AMF, and you can find some company has implemented it, i.e. to convert amf into id3:
> https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-use-timed-metadata-in-wowza-live-streaming-workflows
I still can’t figure out what you want to do. Do you have a source of real-time metadata that you want to include in a stream? I feel like this could have been a possible feature of ffserver if it were still around, maybe you should set your sight on whatever software is responsible for the actual streaming to do this.

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