[FFmpeg-user] how to rename libx264 shared library(libx264.so.152) in FFmpeg

Anand Veerappan anandzone at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 14:58:25 EEST 2019


Thanks for taking initiative and guiding us.

Please find our findings for your query.

- *Where is your libx264.so located?*
*Ans: The library path is the same folder where ffmpeg binary is located*

[image: dependency.jpg]
- *Please show us the output of*

*  objdump -p /usr/lib/libx264.so.152 | grep SONAME- Please show us the
output of  objdump -p /usr/lib/libx264-mv.so.152 | grep SONAME*
*Ans: Though we renamed libx264-mv.so.152 but it is
referring libx264.so.152 only*
*Refer below mentioned obj dump. *
[image: console.jpg]

Kindly guide us where to make changes to use modified libx264-mv.so.152 in
ffmpeg binary.

Anand V

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 3:31 AM Moritz Barsnick <barsnick at gmx.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 10:48:06 +0530, Anand Veerappan wrote:
> > Step 1: As mentioned in your email we remanded the libx264-mv.so.152
> file.
> You obviously went for the less hacky, but more correct way.
> > Step 3: While executing FFmpeg binary it requires original libx264.so.152
> > instead of modified libx264-mv.so.152.
> This means that, when ffmpeg was linked, it found a libx264.so with an
> SONAME of libx264.so.152. So perhaps the libx264.so symlink was
> pointing at a different libx264.so.XXX (i.e. the original one).
> - Where is your libx264.so located?
>   Please show the output of
>   ls -l /usr/lib/libx264.so
>   (or to whatever its path is - replace /usr/lib with the actual path
>   please).
> - Please show us the output of
>   objdump -p /usr/lib/libx264.so.152 | grep SONAME
> - Please show us the output of
>   objdump -p /usr/lib/libx264-mv.so.152 | grep SONAME
> > Regards
> > Anand V
> BTW, I'm subscribed to the list, that's how I saw your original
> question. You don't need to Cc: me on your emails.
> Furthermore, instead of using screenshots of text, just copy and paste
> text into your email. It's much more efficient and easier to read.
> Thanks,
> Moritz
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