[FFmpeg-user] FFMPEG not using GPU/CUDA

Mahmood Naderan mahmood.nt at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 20:43:55 EET 2019

So, I think the command should be similar to this

./ffmpeg -i ../fast_video.mp4 h264_nvenc -preset medium -movflags
+faststart -c:a aac ../fast_video_conv.mp4

but that fails

[NULL @ 0x558bd7fcadc0] Unable to find a suitable output format for
h264_nvenc: Invalid argument


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 10:06 PM Dennis Mungai <dmngaie at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
> You must select the nvenc encoders and optionally, a CUDA based filter,
> such as scale_cuda, yadif_cuda, etc to utilize the GPU.
> For the encoders, see:
> ffmpeg -h encoder=h264_nvenc
> ffmpeg -h encoder=hevc_nvenc
> The scalers above will work with any CUDA capable GPU (supported by the
> CUDA SDK), but for NVENC, you'll need to ensure that you have a supported
> GPU. Typically Kepler and above.
> Regards,
> Dennis.
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