[FFmpeg-user] problem with ffmpeg -c copy from pipe

DopeLabs dopelabs at dubstep.fm
Sun Apr 21 09:45:21 EEST 2019

> On Apr 20, 2019, at 10:24 37PM, Ivan Kirillov <fatal at troitsk.ws> wrote:
> im trying to rip my stream with streamlink and then send it to my local rtmp server by using
> |streamlink https://www.twitch.tv/mytwitch best -O | ffmpeg -i pipe: -c copy -f flv rtmp://|

im not familiar with streamlink, but i expect there should be an option for streamlink to just return the m3u8 url?

with a similar tool called youtube-dl the command would look like this

$ ffmpeg -i "`youtube-dl -f best -g https://twitch.tv/mytwitch`" -c copy -f flv rtmp://

> im geting an error
> |error: Error when writing to output: [Errno 32] Broken pipe, exiting|

the complete console output would make things easier =]

> what am i doing wrong guys ?

can you use the same command but instead save to a local file? 

for example, does this work?

> streamlink https://www.twitch.tv/mytwitch best -O | ffmpeg -i pipe: -c copy outfile.mp4

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