[FFmpeg-user] Documentation and feature request

Paul B Mahol onemda at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 16:59:25 EEST 2019

On 4/15/19, Michael Koch <astroelectronic at t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> over the last months I've collected a list what's missing in FFmpeg's
> documentation.
> At the end of the list there are a few feature requests.
> Feature request:
> -- Decay filter, makes short flashes of light appear longer, with an
> exponential decay curve. Like on an analog oscilloscope screen with long
> persistence time. Could be used for videos of the night sky to make fast
> meteors appear longer. Should work as follows:
> For each pixel do:  Multiply the RGB values from the previous output
> frame with a decay constant in the range [0..1], for example 0.95. Use
> these RGB values for the next output frame. But if the RGB value from
> the next input frame is brigher than this, then use the brighter value.

I'm not sure about "decay" name for filter.
Decay is usually something else.

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