[FFmpeg-user] Merging VP9 files, without audio

Morten W. Petersen morphex at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 23:05:27 EET 2018

Hi again.

>From what I've seen, decoding and merging the files seems like the option
available in ffmpeg.

I read a bit on the ffmpeg concat (Concatenate in the wiki) page, but this
is a bit over my head, I'm not that experienced with ffmpeg.

I could also do motion detection on the fly in OpenCV, decoding and feeding
video files to OpenCV, if that's supported.

But I guess another question in all of this, is GPU-accelerated decoding
and encoding. What brands of cards are supported for this? And what is the
speed of a GT 1030 or R9 280X, compared to a modern CPU?



Den lør. 24. nov. 2018, 15.55 skrev Morten W. Petersen <morphex at gmail.com:

> Hi there.
> I have a project which takes images using a webcam, called surveil:
> https://github.com/morphex/surveil
> These images are compiled into a (short) video, and then mailed.
> Now I'd like to add a feature, where videos are downloaded, and scanned
> for motion.
> So these videos have to be merged together into one file, and I guess
> prepending and appending 5 minutes to a 24 hour segment, should give for
> example OpenCV the necessary data to detect motion in that segment.
> What's a good, non-resource-intensive way of merging VP9 videos into one,
> using ffmpeg?
> Regards,
> Morten

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