[FFmpeg-user] Question about rendering and photo dimensions.

Paul B Mahol onemda at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 11:08:51 EET 2018

On 11/2/18, Hwaen Ch'uqi <hwaenchuqi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Out of pure frustration, I write again, having (I believe) read and
> reread the relevant sections of the ffmpeg filters manual. The "best"
> that I could come up with is the following command:
> ffmpeg -i FILE.jpg -i FILE.mp3 -vf loop=-1:1:0 -shortest FILE.mp4
> where the thinking is to have the jpg file loop until the audio file
> has been completed. I do not include console output here, because
> after more than an hour of the machine churning away and finally
> interrupting the process, the console output had amassed to over 70MB!
> The mp4 file, whose initial inputs were a jpg file of 1.8MB and an
> audio file of 7.4MB, was 139.7MB and counting! So again, I ask for any
> practical advice/explanation. Clearly, I still do not understand how
> the loop video filter works.

You clearly do not understand lot of things. You can not expect video
to not increase in size beyond initial image size + audio size, unless
you use low framerate and infinite size of GOP, which may not be
supported by your favorite playback machine.

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