[FFmpeg-user] Video scaling, padding and cropping together question
TPCffmpeg at mklab.ph.rhul.ac.uk
TPCffmpeg at mklab.ph.rhul.ac.uk
Sat Mar 31 07:37:00 EEST 2018
On Thu, 11 Jan 2018, Frank Tetzel wrote:
>> The thing I am trying to achieve is a compromise between these two
>> extremes, eg. a method which gives less cropping at the LH & RH
>> picture edges for the price of a little padding above and below the
>> picture. I'm presuming this (ideally) involves scaling, padding and
>> cropping together in a single filter.
> Just pick a bigger width for the scale and pad filter, and then add
> crop as the last filter, cropping to the final resolution. Add crop
> with another comma to the filter chain as you did with scale and pad.
> Also, have a look at the filter documentation:
> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html
Many thanks for those hints which were just what I needed. Below is a
worked example of my solution, should it be helpful to anyone else. The
scaling/padding/cropping code is a little opaque but writing it this way
enabled the whole thing to be written using ffmpeg's own parser. If
anyone is interested I can show how it was derived.
Recapping: Setting newfactor=0 shows the whole original 1280x720 picture
downscaled in letterbox format on the 4x3 display. With newfactor=1.0 the
picture fills the whole 4x3 screen height and crops left and right. I
found newfactor=0.5 was a good compromise between the two limits.
The other settings (codecs, bit rates etc.) were intended to mirror the
PAL DVD format, the target device being a DVD player. The output file
played nicely on it.
Tom Crane.
newfactor="$1" # scaling factor
# Scale, pad and crop to a compromise between letterbox format (newfactor=0) and a LH+RH cropped picture (newfactor=1)
ffmpeg -y -i demo.mp4 -vf \
"scale=iw*min(($OW * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/iw\,($OH * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/ih): \
ih*min(($OW * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/iw\,($OH * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/ih), \
pad=($OW * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1)): \
($OH * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1)): \
(($OW * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))-iw*min(($OW * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/iw\,($OH * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/ih))/2: \
(($OH * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))-ih*min(($OW * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/iw\,($OH * ((($OH/ih)*(iw/$OW) -1) * $newfactor + 1))/ih))/2: \
green, \
crop=$OW:$OH" \
-c:v mpeg2video -c:a ac3 -f dvd -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 15 -b:v 6000000 -maxrate 9000000 -minrate 0 -bufsize 1835008 -packetsize 2048 -muxrate 10080000 -b:a 448000 -ar 48000 \
exit 0
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