[FFmpeg-user] Generate MPEG Transport stream from audio files only

Carl Zwanzig cpz at tuunq.com
Fri Mar 9 05:51:03 EET 2018

On 3/8/2018 8:17 AM, Moritz Barsnick wrote:
> As Carl Eugen tried to point out: What is missing is that you provide
> your actual (non-working) command line and its complete, uncut console
> output.

One thing missing is some directed speculation even before the cmd line is 
sent; it's a valuable part of troubleshooting and helps those asking to learn.

To the OP-
You might try providing dummy video to go with the audio (I know some 
software doesn't deal well when there is no video stream).

I think all you need to add something like

   -i color=s=$outFormat:c=black:r=$videoRate

but I haven't tried it.


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