[FFmpeg-user] make slideshow ?

mikeB mb at code-it.com
Wed Jun 27 00:28:54 EEST 2018

In trying to create a slideshow - using the cmd line:

ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i temp_file.txt -c copy slide_show.avi

works well (as does with .mp4 & .mov) BUT will NOT create the

video to .webm or .ogv format.

Here is what my "tempFile.txt" looks like -

file '/home/mikeb/2018-06-26-113032.jpg'
duration 10
file '/home/mikeb/2018-06-26-113119.jpg'
duration 10
file '/home/mikeb/2018-06-26-113148.jpg'
duration 10
file '/home/mikeb/2018-06-26-113200.jpg'
duration 10
file '/home/mikeb/2018-06-26-113218.jpg'
duration 10

All these images are the same size.

Any suggestion(s) on what's going wrong?

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