[FFmpeg-user] filter_complex concat large number of files.
Gyan Doshi
gyandoshi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 08:03:21 EEST 2018
On 01-06-2018 05:58 AM, William C Bonner wrote:
> I'm using ffmpeg to concatenate a large number of files from my dash cam
> and then speed things up by a factor of 60.
> It works properly when the number of files is small, but fails as the
> filter_complex option string expands. I'm generating the command line from
The workaround is to use the concat demuxer.
Generate a text file, say, videos.txt, listing all files in order
file "G:\\ROAV\\MOVIE\\2018_0529_112356_056.MP4"
file "G:\\ROAV\\MOVIE\\2018_0529_112447_057A.MP4"
file "G:\\ROAV\\MOVIE\\2018_0529_112450_058A.MP4"
[continued ...]
Then run
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i videos.txt -vf
-c:v libx265 -crf 23 -preset veryfast -movflags +faststart -bf 2 -g 15
-pix_fmt yuv420p -y "C:\\Users\\Wim\\Video\\RoavConcatTest.mp4"
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