[FFmpeg-user] run ffplay to test sidechaincompression

Paul B Mahol onemda at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 18:26:16 EEST 2018

On 7/28/18, Carvel Avis <swampy1956 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is ffplay limited to 1 input? If so, how do you test sidechaincompression,
> for example, using audio stream from a video to compress an audio file?
> Using ffmpeg, I am running something like this:
> ffmpeg -i render-0.wav -i temp.mp4 -y -filter_complex \
> "[1:a]apad=141561[padded];[padded]asplit=2[sc][mix];\
> [0:a][sc]sidechaincompress=ratio=3.0:threshold=0.01:knee=8:attack=600:release=1600[compr];\
> [compr][mix]amerge[a]" -map 1:v -map [a] -c:v copy -b:a 128k test2.mp4
> If I try running the above using ffplay, I get an error that the input,
> render-0.wav has already been specified...
> Argument 'temp.mp4' provided as input filename, but 'render-0.wav' was
> already specified.
> I've been using ffmpeg for some time now but just getting started playing
> with ffplay.

Use something less limited, like mpv.

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